"What I am trying to cultivate is not blind optimism ... but radical HOPE."

Meet Hope

Hope Cross, Founder

Hope is a multi-dimensional, innovative leader who started working with the most at-risk families in the most under-served and poverty-stricken communities in Florida in 2001. Her creative and “HOPE” driven approach to serving others has led her to take on seemingly impossible tasks and walk through on the other side of those tasks with success in her trail.

Her years of service has taken her through the Florida Department of Juvenile Justice as a case manager and Educator, Healthy Families Florida as a social worker, Henkels & McCoy as a career navigator, and Eckerd Connects as community engagement manager for the state.

Throughout her service she has consistently served clients with the highest risk factors, court-involvement, and in need of work readiness and job placement.

Her innovative approaches helped her be a part of the Eckerd Connects team that was awarded the Youth Program of the Year at NAWDP, Social Worker of the Year for the State for Healthy Families, and receive the Service Excellence Award for the state of Florida Department of Juvenile Justice.

Hope embodies her creative innovation in all she does, including her development and training of Trauma Informed Care, Resiliency, and Motivational Interviewing for organizations throughout the United States.

She believes success IS POSSIBLE and every person has exactly what it takes to find success within themselves, those they serve, and their organization if they know how to tap into their most powerful resources - their empathy, compassion, determination … and HOPE!

Schedule a Call with Hope Today!